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Bobby Campo - Star of 'The Final Destination'

Bobby Campo, Star of 'The Final Destination'

Bobby Campo is on his rise to fame and with his latest film, ‘The Final Destination,’ audiences are going to be screaming for more.‘The Final Destination’ is Bobby Campo’s first feature film and was shot entirely in 3D, giving audiences a completely different movie-watching experience with this high-action thriller Leading man of tomorrow Bobby Campo makes his big screen debut in the latest addition to the Final Destination series.

His character, Nick, has horrific premonitions illustrating catastrophic sequences of events. He and his friends must continually cheat death before his premonitions become reality.

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Artikel Bobby Campo - Star of 'The Final Destination' ini dipublish oleh Faster Technology pada hari Tuesday 25 August 2009. Semoga artikel ini dapat bermanfaat.Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda silahkan tinggalkan komentar.sudah ada 0 komentar: di postingan Bobby Campo - Star of 'The Final Destination'


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